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Musée Paul Valéry

02.12. 2023 - 25.02. 2024


Dossier de Presse : ICI

Archives de l'exposition ICI


(présentation, prises de vue, parcours, presse,

vidéos de rencontres avec Hervé Di Rosa,

Vincent Corpet, Olivier Kaeppelin,

Jean-Michel Geneste, Stéphane Zagdanski)




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100 pages
Textes d'Olivier Kaeppelin et Orsten Groom

30€ (avec frais de port)

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Vitalité de la jeune peinture figurative contemporaine 
11 MARS → 4 JUIN 2023

Exposition Collective

Dossier de presse  ICI

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[ Le Vroi dans la Nuit ]

Le Suquet des Artistes 
Cannes - France
01 I 07  -  31 I 12 I 2022

Exposition prolongée jusqu'au 31 Dec. 2022
Infos ICI


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LIMBE [Le Vroi dans la Nuit]
160 pages - 30€ (+fdp) 

Entretien-fleuve avec Jean-Michel Geneste
Textes de Simon Leibovitz, Giorgio Agamben, Franz Kafka et Bruno Schulz
Série inédite ODRADEK

Tirage limité 



Templon Brussels
28 I 10 - 23 I 12 I 2021

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Teaser SIEG MHUND KALUMNIATOR I Templon Brussels 

Viewing Room of the SIEG MHUND KALUMNIATOR show HERE

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In Sigmund Freud's Viennese Saloon with Topsy Chow-Chow - 1939

Vincent Corpet - GROOM

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With Tinsel Totems & Parrot


Jean-Daniel Botta about Orsten Groom

Everybody knows, concerning the Artists:

"it is he who says it who is it".

Everybody knows that art is what Artists do!

Everybody knows that perspective is not the object of painting. Everybody knows that perspective is the stop of time.

Everybody knows that the time of painting is not the time of writing. Everybody knows that what differentiates humans is their perception of time.

Everybody knows that the different arts are the nomenclature of the different perceptions of time.

Everybody knows that some people think they read painting. Everybody knows that reading paintings is as stupid as looking at writing.

Everybody knows that in Europe cave painting was subject to prohibitions.

Everybody knows that in the beginning it was not the Word, but the representation.

Everybody knows that painting only existed before writing.

Everybody knows that children abandon drawing and painting to learn to read.

Everybody knows that there is no technique in painting.

Everybody knows that the painter is the only person who looks at it. Everybody knows that all this is useless.

Everybody knows that Moses is Akhenaton.

Everybody knows that when we create God, we deny him in fact. Everybody knows that it is at that moment that iconoclasm is played out.

Everybody knows that the Icon is not an image, but the image. Everybody knows that then the Image is a narrative.

Everybody knows that it may be the other way around.

Everybody knows that Christians believe that the Image is from Epinal. Everybody knows that GROOM knows all this and much more.



GROOM offers us a narrative painting.

GROOM offers us the impossible.

GROOM offers us revelation. GROOM is joyful.

GROOM is a spoiled child in every sense of the word.

GROOM is the best living painter, ............................................................................................with me.


PS: This is called the Trinity:

                                                                  PAINTING, HIM and ME


Vincent Corpet 

Orsten Groom's paintings are flying rugs, standing rugs, flying mud rugs, bear-sized paintings.
Paintings are angry bear torsos.

From the start we see the flow of speed on the torso of the flying carpets;

we go straight to feel the feet of the birds with the fixed idea of ​​an elevator.

We stand parallel to a painting's torso, we tell ourselves that we must wait with our eyes for the first concrete dances until we finish growing legs for the flight.


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

An Osten Groom board gives you the right size of take-off.

Sometimes the paintings in the exhibitions take breaks, they have undressed their faces, there you have it, we have to see the face of the painting, it's done, we like each other and everything, other times we can see well badly because of the painter's hand pool which remains suspended above the working pond.


But here, last thing: it is not the face of a painting, here we see the throat of the painting, the shoulders of the flat throat of the painting, everything starts from the night of the throat, these are the rock paintings from the throat, scratched by the passage of grison meats, the departure of sputum.


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

From the throat night  lights up the flat area of ​​a magma of modesty where the weightlessness of lightning beauties gradually appears, it is the flatness of drowning that shows the mixture of drowned people on the dry bottom of large puddles.

In the end, Orsten Groom's paintings are the dry backgrounds of large puddles standing like angry bears on the middle of a flying carpet.


Jean-Daniel Botta

Noble Overture - Orsten Groom
00:00 / 00:00
Lift's Eleventh - Orsten Groom
00:00 / 00:00
Custody Tuxedo - Orsten Groom
00:00 / 00:00


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© Michel Lunardelli Photographer

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© Flavien Prioreau Photographer

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